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Interactive documentaries are still a relatively niche technique and engaging with non-linear narratives such as this can be daunting at first. The resources listed here were created especially to accompany this project in order to help guide you through interacting with Visualising Loss.


The range of resources listed below are intended to guide you in creating your personal narratives and discover insights that can help you to interrogate what heritage loss on the coast means to you and the sites that you care for.


Download the journey map to help record your visit and answer the prompts provided to help contextualise and reflect on what you’ve heard. Time challenges are a useful way of focusing your attention on the i-doc and help to fully engage with the material without worrying about losing time. The different challenges faced by each of the case study sites as well as the insights provided by the professional practitioners can be explored through the case study compare and contrast suggestions. Finally, each of the case study sites was chosen to align with one of the four themes of heritage loss that were explored in the Articulating Loss framework which acts as the foundation for the i-doc. Use this section to read bite-sized theme summaries and reflect on how they relate to each site.   


The Visualising Loss interactive documentary contains over 1000 individual clips (SNUs) and engaging with such a large amount of material can seem daunting. Click on the resources below to help structure your current and future visits so that you can get the most out of Visualising Loss.

Journey Map

As you travel through the i-doc fill in the journey map with notes and links to the clips (SNUs). At the end complete the prompts to help contextualise and reflect on what you’ve heard.

Time Challange

Non-linear, opened ended narrative programs such as the Visualising Loss interactive documentary can be an excellent way of exploring different narrative threads in depth. However, without a definitive 'end’ point it can be difficult to understand when to stop.

Compare and Contrast

The interviews highlighted certain narrative themes relating to the different forms of loss experienced at each of the sites. Comparing and contrasting these sites and therefore the themes within them may give new insights to what heritage loss means for these places.

Themes of Loss

The Articulating Loss framework was developed as part of this PhD research and acts as the basis for the interactive documentary. The aim of the Articulating Loss framework was to give loss a language, breaking down the issues and opportunities faced by heritage as they undergo the transformational changes associated with loss.

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